#Mongodb client windows free how to#
Knowing how to leverage the different MongoDB tools out there when building applications will help you stand out from the crowd. MongoDB is a general-purpose database that can help you build future-proof applications due to its scaling capabilities and flexible schema. Master the skills of data modeling, ingestion, query and sharding with the MongoDB Developer and Administration Certification training course. Here is a snapshot of the most top 5 MongoDB tools: Feature It has a wizard for basic user and role management.

Robo 3T doesn’t support importing from SQL, but you can create as many MongoDB connections as you want which it remembers for later use. Robo 3T is an open-source GUI that contains an embedded mongo shell with auto-completion and context menus that replaces CRUD commands. It has a user and role manager, along with a basic Schema Analyzer tool. It can also connect to replica sets, standalones, and sharded clusters connections. NoSQL Manager offers some support for importing from SQL. It is also one of the most maintained MongoDB tools out there. However, it offers a number of advantages such as its embedded mongo shell, easy management of MongoDB databases, and limited support for SQL import. NoSQL Manager is a non cross-platform MongoDB tool available only for Windows. It also offers monitoring tools such as log viewers, in-progress operations stats, and a shortcut to your local log file. It can connect to multiple databases and save connections for later use. NoSQLBooster can import single SQL tables to MongoDB, but it only supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. It also comes along with handy tips and snippets that you can open within the tool.

NoSQLBooster is another popular MongoDB tool that offers a shell emulator with IntelliSense. However, it doesn’t remember your previous session, so you would need to reconnect whenever you restart and rebuild your queries. MongoDB Compass doesn’t offer any SQL import or migration features but supports recent and favorite connections. MongoDB Compass is MongoDB’s own GUI and has some unique features such as support for geo queries and rich visualization of schema analyses, explain plans, and performance charts. It also has a feature where you can compare MongoDB collections side-by-side and a schema analysis tool that highlights errors and provides a way to edit them directly. With Studio 3T, you can connect to unlimited MongoDB connections. Unlike other GUIs, it also lets you import an entire database, preview documents, and customize table-to-JSON relationships. This makes it easy for teams to move from SQL to MongoDB. Studio 3T is also the only MongoDB tool that has an SQL migration feature and is compatible with all major SQL databases. It is very popular because it has proper UIs for common tasks such as creating indexes, managing users, import/export, and many others. Studio 3T is the most frequently updated and maintained MongoDB tool in the market. A few MongoDB tools that haven’t been updated in a while are the NoSQLClient (last updated in August 2017) and the Mongo Management Studio ( last updated in January 2018). Most of these MongoDB tools are frequently updated as well. They help you choose an interface that you are most comfortable with to connect and work with your MongoDB data. MongoDB tools allow you to leverage new features and receive more frequent database updates. The document data model allows developers to work faster.Has a worldwide community of developers and consultants.Can nest JSON to store complex data objects.Structured and unstructured data can be stored in the same document.MongoDB is quite popular in the IT world due to a wide variety of reasons: In fact, it has been ranked as developers’ most wanted database for the 4th consecutive year. MongoDB is built with C++ and is extremely popular with development teams who use agile methodologies. It was created by Dwight Merriman and Eliot Horowitz in 2007 when they encountered development and scalability issues while building web applications with traditional relational databases. MongoDB is an open-source document database used to build highly scalable internet applications.